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Our Mattresses

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Is latex better than the other foams used in mattresses for a cooler mattress

In my opinion, and in my experience, yes. Is this measurable? probably not. Very simply, us humans have different metabolic rates which can determine our body temperature. Our normal range is 36.5–37.5 °C. If you are 0.5 deg celcius above this range (38 degress celcius) this is in the range of a fever.

This is why it’s difficult to give scientific evidence of one foam being “cooler” than another. The differences are small, and they occur over a long time, also the body is responding to the temperatures at the same time which makes it more difficult.

The other problem is, a large percentage of people can sleep on any mattress and not sleep hot. So they don’t need to worry. So I guess this message is aimed only at people who struggle to find a mattress that does not heat them up.

So what definitive evidence is there that latex is cooler than other foams? As far as I know, there is none. The only scientific evidence I can find is that higher densities of foam and thicker pieces of foam are absorbing more bodyheat than less thick pieces. The more stuff, the more heat.

Let’s say I get three pocketspring units. And I got the 3 (only) foams of roughly the same density. In my experience, this is what I would say the result is.

pocketspring with 5cm latex – coolest
pocketspring with 5cm poly foam – next coolest
pocketspring with 5cm memory foam – least coolest

Now this gets muddled up when you add differing thicknesses and different layering, for example, an all latex mattress may sleep hotter than a pocketspring with memory foam. And about a billion other variations of this makes things very hard to comment on.

However, out the the two below, the 7cm would be hotter than the 5cm.

pocketspring with 5cm poly foam
pocketspring with 7cm poly foam

I think foam amount is the greater predictor of heat and it trumps everything else. Focus on that first. All other things being equal, latex in my opinion will be the cooler foam. As long as it’s not thicker.